This type of coaching will allow you to work thoroughly on your personal and human potential as unveiled by the research behind the Daring Way ™. It is set out to bring a positive change in the way you relate, parent, work and lead your life. Together we’ll make this journey and you will learn to accept what cannot be changed, embrace the person you really are and celebrate all you have done. This will enable you to plan for an authentic and fulfilling future.

Face to face Coaching – 14 sessions (expected to be held weekly or every other week)

Face to face Coaching (video-call) – 14 sessions (expected to be held weekly or every other week) Daring Way Workshop

Intensive Coaching (5 days) – to be held once a week for 4h.


We are surrounded by a culture of scarcity, it is easy to get unfamiliar with what we really want from ourselves, other people and life itself. By participating in one of our Daring Way ™ Workshops you will join the path of courage through embracing where you’re at and where you want to go in safe, warm and relaxed environment. Through this work, you will reflect, choose and develop new practices that lead to a more authentic way of living in the company of people who are also looking to deepen their self-knowledge and learn from Brené’s groundbreaking research. Checkout how millions of people around the world have already changed the way they live to a more wholehearted living.. ( )

Workshop Daring Way™

  • 8 week Workshop – to be held once a week for 2h, usually on Fridays (after working hours) or on
    Saturday mornings.
  • 3 day Workshop – to be held once a week on a Saturday (from 10am to 4pm)


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